Three elected officials comprise our Board of Fire Commissioners. They govern our Fire District, serving as policymakers and providing guidance to the Fire Chief. They oversee and approve all expenditures.
They represent us on several boards and committees; serving as the voice of our District. Our Fire commissioners may also serve as volunteers within the department and are able to observe firsthand the level of service provided to our citizens.
Our board was recognized by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve as a “Patriotic Employer” for contributing to National Security and Protecting Liberty and Freedom by supporting employee participation in America’s National Guard and Reserve Force.
Harry Miller – Chair

It has been my privilege to be Commissioner since my appointment in 2003. Not only have I held the position, but I have been able to participate as a volunteer. Serving the people of FD17 is an honor. I would encourage anyone in our district to consider volunteering. It is an amazing mission and a serious chance to make a real difference in our community. I love my job and would like to continue serving the district for another term. “Volunteer, it will change your life”
Gerald Bickett

It has been a privilege to serve as your Fire Commissioner since my appointment in 2017. I have been a resident of the area for 28 years, and serving as a Volunteer Firefighter/ EMT in the Bald Hills and city of Yelm for the past 27 years. After retiring from the Army in 2006 I have continued to work on JBLM as a Course Coordinator and teaching Soldier Medics Tactical Medicine. It is an honor to continue providing District 17 with the same high quality EMS and Fire service you have come to expect.
Diana Anaya McMaster
My qualifications include: Over 25 years as an active volunteer fire fighter and EMT for Bald Hill / Fire Protection District 17, Washington State Instructor 1 and 2, CPR Instructor, and EMT and EMT Instructor/Evaluator. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (R.N) and a master’s degree in Health Care Administration. My goals are to ensure the department stays on target by finding better ways to meet our district’s needs. I will work to be a good steward of our budget and provide careful financial management to ensure quality services needed in our area. This includes training and education of our volunteers. I believe in our community. I support and appreciate all our volunteers. I am committed to continuing the work and service our area needs to meet any and all emergency situations. I appreciate your support for this department.